Trump Dementia: 'You Know Argentina, Great Guy. He Loves Trump.'

Morning Joe ran a supercut of all the times Trump lost it during speeches this weekend. (It was painful to watch.)

“Speaking of, Donald Trump was on the campaign trail this weekend in North Carolina and Virginia, and the guy just kept getting confused. Look at this series of clips,” Joe Scarborough said.

“In Venezuela, did you just see Maduro, it’s an unbelievable — we’re getting rid of the Romneys of the world. We want to get Romneys and those out. But they know that we are the only ones who can stop them, the only ones. This is the greatest movement in the history of the country, in any country. Even Argentina went MAGA. You know Argentina, great guy. He loves Trump. I love him because he loves Trump. When he called, I took the call. Anybody that loves me, I like that. I said, Abdul, he’s still there, the head of the Taliban. I said, you’re killing our soldiers, don’t do it. I said our terror will rain down on you. He said, yes, your highness, which was interesting. Saudi Arabia and Russia will be — oh.”

“I don’t even — what happened? What happened there? Charlie Sykes, he gets in the middle of sentences. He is reading teleprompters and the mind still blanks out. Nikki Haley for Nancy Pelosi. Barack Obama for Joe Biden. And it is just so pathetic and sad. They’re going, ‘He’s doing it on purpose.’ No, he’s not doing any of this stuff on purpose. Take the fact his mind blanks out and he looks lost. Actually, it looks like a sad scene to me, to see somebody up on stage and blanking out and getting lost. First of all, he thinks the person who runs the South American country is Argentina. Argentina, great guy. Thank you for saying get rid of the Romneys in the republican party. That’s torn out of Kari Lake’s book of loserdom. That’s where it’ll lead you,” Scarborough predicted.

“Also, again, against this madness and, unfortunately, an old man who is losing his ability to communicate, he is praising the Taliban leader for calling him your highness. Wrap up that speech for us, if you would, Charlie Sykes.”

“How do you? What fresh hell?” Sykes said.

“Unfortunately, i’m not a psychiatrist here. What’s on display is, okay, Joe Biden is old, but the other guy is deranged, demented, and pathetic, not to mention dangerous. As we’re sitting here talking about this, we’re less than 48 hours away from that guy clinching the Republican presidential nomination. The Republicans have one last off-ramp, and they’re not going to take it. They look at this guy, and this is the extraordinary thing, is Republicans look at him, and I don’t have to repeat all the things. Found liable for rape, facing 91 felony charges, you know, and you have this gaseous malice you get from the gaffe-filled speeches, and they’re thinking, ‘Yeah, we want four more years of that.’

“If there’s any upside here, Joe Biden will be able to say, yeah, I’m old. I’m stiff when i walk, but this guy is also old and crazy. He’s dangerous. He’s incoherent.”

“He needs to make that point. The other maybe upside is, you know, now that there’s no way of denying it’ll be Donald Trump again, it’ll focus the mind. I agree with you, Joe. I think Democrats need to stop the bedwetting, but they need to get out of the bed and freak out a little bit because the reality is, maybe this is what it’ll take for them to realize this guy could become president of the United States.This could actually happen. Maybe we ought to treat that threat, you know, the way it ought to be treated. If it is an existential threat, let’s act like it is an existential threat. Stop the bedwetting.”

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